Highway 3 in Durango set for four day closure

Travel Advisory

April 5, 2020 - Southwestern Colorado - Crews to clean up fallen rock accumulated behind barriers

The Colorado Department of Transportation will close Highway 3 during daylight working hours in south Durango for several days next week. Beginning Mon., May 11, crews will perform rock clean up behind the concrete barriers along the east side of the road, cliffside. A significant amount of fallen rock has accumulated behind the concrete barriers making it necessary to remove the excess debris. 


Work will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday, May 11-14. During these hours Highway 3 will be completely closed to through traffic. Motorists should use the alternate route of U.S. Highway 160/550, Santa Rita Drive and E. Eighth Avenue to access businesses on Highway 3 and Sawmill Road from the north end of the highway. 

CO 3 Rock Fall clean up closure map in Durango

TRAVEL INFORMATION  Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:

COVID-19  Safe transportation infrastructure is essential for emergency first responders and freight drivers as Colorado navigates the COVID-19 pandemic. With that in mind, construction continues on CDOT projects with social distancing and other health safety measures to reduce COVID-19 exposure on the worksite. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment announced guidelines for construction activities. The public is urged to join the campaign for #DoingMyPartCO and practice social distancing, wear face masks, stay at home when possible, and avoid nonessential travel. With fewer vehicles on the roads, CDOT crews will be able to work more efficiently and safely.


WHOLE SYSTEM. WHOLE SAFETY. In early 2019, CDOT announced its Whole System — Whole Safety initiative to heighten safety awareness. This initiative takes a systematic statewide approach to safety combining the benefits of CDOT’s programs that address driving behaviors, our built environment and the organization's operations. The goal is to improve the safety of Colorado’s transportation network by reducing the rate and severity of crashes and improving the safety of all transportation modes. The program has one simple mission—to get everyone home safely.

ABOUT CDOT  CDOT has approximately 3,000 employees located throughout Colorado, and manages more than 23,000 lane miles of highway and 3,429 bridges. CDOT also manages grant partnerships with a range of other agencies, including metropolitan planning organizations, local governments and airports. It also administers Bustang, the state-owned and operated inter-regional express service. Gov. Polis has charged CDOT to further build on the state’s multimodal mobility options.