Residents Invited to Oct. 23 "Let's Talk Transportation" Meeting in Jefferson County

Oct. 16, 2018 -

JEFFERSON COUNTY—Join Transportation Commissioner Ed Peterson and representatives from CDOT on Tuesday, Oct. 23, to ask questions and learn more about funding challenges and transportation projects that could improve mobility and safety in Jefferson County.

Peterson represents Jefferson County and a portion of Broomfield County on the Transportation Commission.

Let's Talk Transportation Town Hall Meeting

5:30-6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 23
Golden Recreation/Community Center
1470 10th St.
Golden CO 80401

About the Transportation Commission
The state's transportation system is managed by CDOT under the direction of the Transportation Commission, comprised of 11 commissioners who represent specific districts. Each commissioner is appointed by the governor, confirmed by the senate, and serves a four-year term.