TRAFFIC ADVISORY: Traffic signal timing changes implemented on US 40 in downtown Steamboat Springs

June 29,2018 - Northwestern Colorado/CDOT Region 3 - Pedestrians must use the push button to cross US 40

ROUTT COUNTY/STEAMBOAT SPRINGS – CDOT crews are working to enhance signal timing operations on US 40 through downtown Steamboat Springs. One of the most notable changes is that pedestrians will now need to use the push button controls on the signals to cross US 40.

Other changes motorists will see is in how the Pine Grove/US 40 intersection left turn arrow works from eastbound US 40 onto Pine Grove Road.  There will no longer be a green arrow before and after the red signal on US 40.

Motorists should be aware that when implementing a new signal timing program that CDOT may need to make minor adjustments over the course of testing the system to allow the system to operate as efficiently as possible.


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