Crews to Close I-25 Ramps at Westbound C-470 Overnight Jan. 22-26
DOUGLAS COUNTY—From 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 22 through Friday, Jan. 26, crews will close the northbound and southbound I-25 ramps at westbound C-470 as crews complete wall excavation work for the C-470 Express Lanes project.
Detours are approximately 4.16 miles.
- Northbound and southbound I-25 ramps to westbound C-470 detour: Take northbound E-470 to Peoria and back onto southbound E-470 to westbound C-470. No tolls will be charged during this closure.

- Follow detour signs accordingly and go slow for the cone zone.
- Construction activities are weather dependent, and the schedule is subject to change.
- For motorists on C-470, courtesy patrol is provided from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to assist disabled vehicles at no cost to the driver.
Project Info
The $276 million C-470 Express Lanes project will increase mobility and user choice along 12.5 miles between I-25 and Wadsworth Boulevard. Crews will add two Express Lanes on westbound C-470, from I-25 to Colorado Boulevard, and one Express Lane from Colorado Boulevard to Wadsworth. They also will add an Express Lane on eastbound C-470, between I-25 and Wadsworth Boulevard.
Crews will fully reconstruct existing pavement; add auxiliary lanes at selected locations; improve on- and off-ramps; realign substandard curves; widen existing bridges; replace the bridges over the South Platte River; install tolling equipment; and build new C-470 trail underpasses at Colorado and Quebec.
When complete, the improvements will give motorists the option of using the Express Lanes on C-470 for a faster, more reliable commute in exchange for paying a toll. Or, they may drive the general purpose lanes for free.
About Express Lanes
Express Lanes increase roadway capacity and help to manage congestion on the highways. The use of toll pricing during peak travel times provides an option for travelers, reduces delays, manages congestion and maintains reliable travel times. HOV3/Express Lanes currently are open from Downtown Denver to 120th Avenue on North I-25 and, US 36 from Denver to Boulder and on the I-70 Mountain Express Lane. Learn more, or get an ExpressToll account and pass.
Stay Informed
- Project website
- Project hotline: 303-347-0507
- Project email: [email protected]
- Sign up for project alerts.
- See scheduled lane closures.
- Get real-time road conditions on COtrip, or by dialing 511 from anywhere in the state.
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