CSP Increases Safety Enforcement Along I-70 Mountain Express Lane

Aug. 9, 2018 - Additional Enforcement to Improve Safety in Mountain Corridor

CDOT, the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and CDOT's High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) have increased safety enforcement along the I-70 mountain corridor. Additional patrolling along the I-70 Mountain Express Lane between Empire and Idaho Springs will help to create a safer driving environment, reduce unsafe driving behaviors, and increase the overall efficiency and throughput. Common traffic violations include speeding, and weaving in and out of the Express Lane.

"To ensure safety on the road, drivers should enter and exit the Express Lane at designated entry/exit points at Empire Junction, or right before the Veterans Memorial Twin Tunnels. It might be tempting to cross the solid yellow line, when I-70 is congested, but the Colorado State Patrol wants to remind all drivers to obey traffic rules and speeds," said Colorado State Patrol Captain Matthew Secor.

The I-70 Mountain Express Lane runs 13 miles along eastbound I-70 from Empire through the Veterans Memorial Tunnels in Idaho Springs. The I-70 Mountain Express Lane is only open during peak periods of travel, such as weekends and holidays. When the Express Lane is not open, roadway signage indicates it is closed and is used as a shoulder for emergency purposes.

About the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE)
The HPTE operates as a government-owned, independent business within CDOT. It searches out innovative ways to finance projects to help Colorado fulfill its commitment to increase travel choices through options that include Express Lanes, transit, biking, walking and carpooling. For more information, visit www.coloradohpte.com.

About Express Lanes:
Express Lanes increase roadway capacity and help to manage congestion on the highways. The use of toll pricing during peak travel times reduces delays, manages congestion and maintains reliable travel times. Express Lanes are currently open on I-25 between downtown Denver and 120th Avenue, US 36 between Denver and Boulder, and on I-70 between Idaho Springs and Empire. For more information, visit www.codot.gov/programs/expresslanes.