CDOT Begins Crack Sealing Projects

October 11, 2017 - Southwestern Colorado/CDOT Region 5 - Work to take place on US 160 and CO 145, Montezuma and San Miguel Counties

Montezuma / San Miguel Counties - The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and A-1 Chipseal-Rocky Mt. Pavement LLC will start two roadwork improvement projects on Monday, October 23. The projects are expected to last until the end of November. Crews will perform crack sealing operations on:  

  • US Highway (US) 160 in Montezuma County from the east end of Cortez to the top of Mancos Hill. (Mile point (MP) 40, near Cortez east city limit to MP 61.88, five miles east of Mancos.)  

  • Colorado Highway (CO) 145 in San Miguel County from Sawpit to Society Turn Roundabout. (MP 80.71, one mile west of Sawpit to MP 71.44, roundabout west of Telluride.)

Work will take place on US 160 and CO 145 simultaneously. The primary goal of the projects consists of placing a heated crack sealant into cracks formed on several highway surface segments in southwest Colorado.  The cracks to be sealed are located along the edges of the travel lanes and in the travel lanes. Crack sealing is a preventative maintenance process which extends the lifespan of the pavement by preventing water from seeping into the asphalt cracks and can cause erosion.

TRAVEL IMPACTS: Work will be done Monday-Friday with hours from 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes before sunset. Please note traffic may be reduced to a single-lane, alternating traffic intermittently in either direction. Work segments may be up to one mile in length, with 15 minute delays possible. The speed limit will be reduced to 40 mph through the work zone. Traffic fines in the construction zone may be doubled.

Travelers are urged to follow work zone signage, use caution and consider worker safety when traveling through a work zone.

STAY INFORMED: Contact the project hotline at 970-903-4926 or The public may also sign up to receive project information and/or lane closure updates on state highways in an area of choice by visiting CDOT’s website at and choose the envelope icon at the bottom of the page. To view CDOT’s lane closure reports for projects statewide visit
