CDOT and Granite/RLW Joint Venture unveil transition plan for bridge opening

October 25, 2017 - Northwestern Colorado/CDOT Region 3 - Partial opening of Grand Avenue Bridge possible in early November

GARFIELD COUNTY/GLENWOOD SPRINGS – The Colorado Department of Transportation and their contractor, Granite/RLW Joint Venture, have determined a plan for opening the new bridge and conversion of the detour route back to regular conditions.  The plan calls for opening the bridge initially to three lanes of traffic.  The center lane will alternate direction based on the time of day, creating two southbound lanes in the morning, and two northbound lanes in the evenings.  The project team is now anticipating opening the new bridge in early November, although a specific date has not been set.

“We had minimal problems with the weather, and the contractor’s rapid progress on the critical path work has allowed for a potential acceleration of the 95-day detour schedule”, said Tom Newland, CDOT Public Information Manager for the project.  “I want to emphasize that we don’t have a set opening date as of this time.  The actual opening day is dependent on weather and other project conditions.”  Newland said that CDOT and the contractor will be providing updates as the opening date becomes clearer.

It is anticipated that the reversible three-lane condition on the bridge should last for no more than two weeks (weather dependent), after which the final, four-lane configuration will be put in place. The temporary three lane configuration will allow the contractor to safely finish work on the barriers, light pole bases and barrier rail along the sides of the bridge.  

  • The streets used for the detour, including Midland Avenue, Eight Street and Grand Avenue, will be reverted simultaneously with the opening of the bridge.  

  • This includes removing the merge points on Grand Avenue at 27th Street and on I-70 at Exit 114.  

  • The opening of the bridge and the removal of the detour will occur in the middle of the night when traffic is the lowest.

  • The “square-about” on Colorado and 9th Streets will be removed shortly after opening the bridge, as will the temporary traffic signal at Eight Street and Colorado.  

  • This intersection will be returned to a 4-way stop with pedestrian crosswalks once again available from all corners.

Meetings between with the City of Glenwood Springs, RFTA, CDOT and Granite/RLW Joint Venture are taking place to coordinate city street operations and transit services with the transition plan.  Input and assistance from the City and RFTA is critical to providing a safe and organized move out of the detour and back to normalized conditions.

Public project contact information

If you have questions or concerns, please call the project information line or send an email to the project email address below.

Hotline 970-618-9897 (Call or Text)



About the CBE

The Colorado Bridge Enterprise (CBE) was formed in 2009 as part of the FASTER (Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery) legislation. It operates as a government-owned business within the CDOT. The Colorado Transportation Commission serves as the CBE Board.

The purpose of the CBE is to finance, repair, reconstruct and replace bridges designated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, and rated “poor." See more at