Caution to Boaters Near CO 90 Bedrock Bridge: Low Bridge in Place through April 8, Intermittent River Closures Begin Mid-April
SOUTHWEST COLORADO—With the Dolores River reaching boatable flows, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) cautions river users who plan to recreate near Bedrock that a temporary low bridge is in place, allowing only limited river clearance.

Additionally, beginning in mid-April, boaters will encounter up to half-hour river closures to accommodate heavy equipment activity during construction of the new Colorado Highway (CO) 90 bridge.
A temporary equipment bridge used to support heavy equipment has been constructed just south of the CO 90 Bedrock Bridge. This temporary equipment bridge has a limited, one to three feet of clearance for river users (three feet at 650 cfs).
April Bridge Construction Activity
Saturday, April 8
The temporary equipment bridge is scheduled to be removed. Note: The temporary equipment bridge may be removed sooner, depending upon the Bureau of Reclamation's decision of timing to release water from McPhee Reservoir.
Now through Monday, April 10
Continued placement of riprap barrier within the river channel
Monday, April 17 through Saturday, April 29
Heavy equipment, crane activity and placement of sections of the new bridge
During this time period, river users will experience half-hour river closures. Closures will be intermittent throughout the day and may not occur every day. The closures are to ensure the safety of river users from construction activity.
River Travel Impacts & River Closure Process
- A flagger will be stationed at the Bedrock boat ramp (seven days a week, from sunup to sundown) to answer questions, give direction and inform boaters of the low bridge ahead.
- A pre-warning buoy is in place on the river approximately 1,000 feet before the Bedrock boat ramp, warning boaters of potential half-hour closures.
- While waiting for the river to reopen, boaters can "park" or anchor boats, rafts, or kayaks to two white buoys (with a blue stripe) using ropes attached to the buoys.
- Be aware of a rope line of seven orange buoys across the river indicating a closure. If the white buoys are missed, please grasp the orange buoy rope.
Once crane operations are concluded and passage under the bridge construction is safe, the flagger will reopen the river (remove the orange buoy rope from across the river) and allow boaters to pass through the bridge construction zone safely.

Highway Travel Impacts
Motorists will continue to use the temporary bridge installed just north of the old existing bridge, which allows for a detour of single-lane alternating traffic. During daytime work shifts of the dismantling process, flaggers will guide and control traffic. The light signals will be used to control traffic during non-working hours and at night. No oversized/overweight loads are allowed on the temporary bridge.
For the safety of the traveling public and work crews, motorists are reminded that:
- Stopping on the temporary one-lane bridge is not allowed.
- Stopping within the construction work zone is not allowed.
- Please do not turn onto the dirt roads within the construction zone.
These restrictions are in place for public safety and for protection from large equipment operating in the work areas.
This project is located on CO 90, about four miles east of Bedrock and 15 miles east of the Colorado-Utah state line. The new pre-cast concrete bridge structure is expected to be completed later this summer.
The new bridge will provide several improvements for the driving public, including wider and higher clearance for oversized vehicles. The project cost, including design and construction, is estimated at $3.8 million. The construction contract was awarded to SEMA Construction.