CO 392 to close from US 85 to WCR 39 Monday through mid-March

February 9, 2017 - Northeastern Colorado/CDOT Region 4 - WELD COUNTY – As part of the Colorado Highway 392 Resurfacing Lucerne to Briggsdale project, CO 392 will close from US 85 east to Weld County Road 39 on Monday at 7 a.m. through mid-March.

Local traffic will be able to access areas north and south of the closure. Until the detour opens, through-traffic will need to use the following roads to access areas north and south of the closure points:

  • Eastbound CO 392: traffic will detour at WCR 37 going south to WCR 66 east toward US 85, where the detours will have traffic cross US 85, proceed to CR 39 and go north to CO 392 eastbound

  • Westbound CO 392: Traffic will detour at WCR 39 south to WCR 66 then west to CR 37 and then proceed north on CR 37 to CO 392 westbound

  • From US 85 traffic will be diverted onto WCR 66 to WCR 39 and then north onto CO 392

The project is located on CO 392 between Mile Points 115.5 and 141.5. Working hours are Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. The project consists of culvert headwall and bridge curb modifications to accommodate modern guardrail and bridge rail that meets new safety standards, roadway re-construction and asphalt overlay.

Drivers should be prepared for delays within the work zone due to full road closure, single-lane closures and traffic shifts. Speed limit will be reduced throughout the duration of the project. There will be a 10-foot width restriction for equipment and vehicles to facilitate paving operations.

Anticipated completion for this project is August 2017.

The prime contractor for this $6.9 million project is Martin Marietta.

All work is weather-dependent and the schedule is subject to change. Road and lane closures will continue to be communicated through weekly alerts using CDOT’s email and text alert service, as well as the local media. To sign up for alerts, visit the project website at If you have questions or concerns, call the project information line at 970-532-9998.