Express Lanes Projects, HPTE Director, Earn Prestigious Awards
HPTE Director David Spector, right, won the American Road and Transportation Builders Association's P3 Entrepreneur of the Year award.
STATEWIDE—CDOT and its High-Performance Transportation Enterprise's (HPTE) Express Lanes have been awarded several prestigious awards recognizing outstanding work in 2016 and 2017.
Awards include:
US 36 Express Lanes
- The "Traffic? I'll Pass." campaign won a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Colorado Chapter Gold Pick Award.
- The project won the American Road and Transportation Builders Association's (ARTBA) P3 Project of the Year award.
- The project was selected as one of the finalists for the P3 Awards' 2016 Best Completed project.
- The project won in TransComm's Excel category.
- The "Three's Free, HOV 2 to HOV 3" switch public awareness campaign won Transcomm's Public Awareness Campaign award.
- The project won the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships' (NCPPP) 2017 Service Project Award.
- The project won AASHTO's grand prize in the Use of Technology and Innovation category.
I-70 Mountain Express Lane
- The project won the Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (WASHTO) America's Transportation Award in the Medium Project category.
- The "Traffic? I'll Pass." campaign won a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Colorado Chapter's Gold Pick Award.
- The project won the Governor's Elevation Award for Superior Customer Service.
- The project was selected as one of the finalists for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Colorado 2017 Impact Awards in the Inspire category.
I-25 Express Lanes
- The "Traffic? I'll Pass." campaign won a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Colorado Chapter Gold Pick Award.
- CDOT Express Lanes was selected as one of the finalists for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Colorado 2017 Impact Awards in the Inspire category.
- The "Three's Free, HOV 2 to HOV 3" switch public awareness campaign won Transcomm's Public Awareness Campaign award.
Other Awards
- David Spector, HPTE director, won ARTBA's P3 Entrepreneur of the Year award.