Final Paving Underway on US 491 North of Cortez

CORTEZ—Asphalt resurfacing is now complete on the five-lane stretch of highway south of Montezuma County Road (CR) M, as part of CDOT's nine-mile improvement project on US Highway (US) 491 north of Cortez. As planned, crews have now returned to the section north of CR M to overlay a final top mat of asphalt on that stretch, which extends to just south of CO Highway (CO) 184.
Project Progress
Asphalt pavement milling and recycling (to address surface cracks and imperfections) was followed by an overlay of new asphalt north of CR M to one-half mile south of the CO 184 junction (at MP 36.15). As of Aug. 15, crews are applying one more layer of asphalt along this two-lane stretch and will follow up with smoothing approaches to driveways).
Asphalt surface milling was completed, followed by an overlay of new asphalt in this five-lane section. While this work is complete, motorists may see crews addressing a few highway access points.
CO 184:
Installation of 3,000 linear feet of guardrail replacement adjacent to Narraguinnep Reservoir on the south side of CO 184 was completed.
Installation of a 162-foot-long reinforced concrete drainage pipe underneath US 491 near Basin Coop was completed.
Once final paving is completed north of CR M, crews will apply final striping, smooth approaches as described above, and install final signage.
The project, contracted to Oldcastle SW Group for $6.9 million, began May 11 and is scheduled for completion by mid-October.
Travel Impacts
During the current asphalt paving on the two-lane section north of CR M, expect single-lane, alternating travel from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Some Saturday work may be necessary to expedite the project's completion.
Please refer to the project website.
All business and residential access will remain open, but access may be temporarily altered. Please drive with caution through the work zones and avoid distractions—cellphones, radio, food, etc.—when approaching work areas, for the safety of all involved.