Upcoming Full Closure of 9th Avenue, East of 10th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard

From 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will close 9th Avenue, east of the 10th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard intersection, as part of the Wadsworth Capacity project.

The purpose of this project is to improve traffic operations for motorists and pedestrians as population growth in Lakewood continues. This project will increase operational capacity of the 10th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard intersection by adding one lane in each direction on Wadsworth Boulevard, as well as adding a multi-use path on either side of the street.

Motorists can expect the roadway to be in its final alignment—with new additional lanes completed—by the end of December 2016.

Traffic Impacts
Detours will be established to direct traffic around the road closure.

  • Motorists traveling east on 9th Avenue will be directed north on Teller Street and east on 10th Avenue.
  • Motorists traveling on Wadsworth Boulevard will be directed north on Wadsworth Boulevard, east on 10th Avenue and south on Allison Street to reconnect with 9th Avenue.

CDOT, SEMA Construction, Inc. and the City of Lakewood would like to thank motorists for their patience during this construction. This work is part of a series of roadway improvement on Wadsworth Boulevard.


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