CDOT's Denver Metro Area Projects Receive Transportation Alternatives Program Awards
STATEWIDE—The Colorado Department of Transportation is pleased to announce the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) awarded projects in its Denver Metro region (aka, Region 1). The projects selected include:
- Peaks to Plains Trail: Mouth of Clear Creek Canyon Segment (Jefferson County)
- Evergreen North Lake Trail (Evergreen)
- Connecting Neighborhoods: 47th and York Safe Crossing Project (City and County of Denver)
- Argentine Gateway Project (Town of Georgetown)
- Peaks to Plains Trail: Clear Creek Greenway Canyon Segment (Clear Creek County)
- US-6 Wildlife Crossing and Multi-use Trail Improvements (City of Golden)
- West Colfax Avenue (US Highway 40) Sidewalk/Connectivity Project (City of Golden)
The TAP program in Region 1 received 12 competitive and strong applications. All 12 applications qualified and were scored independently, and ranked by a six-member panel.
About the TAP
Federal funds are allocated under TAP to transportation improvement projects that expand travel choice, strengthen the local economy, improve quality of life and protect the environment. Many TAP projects enhance non-motorized forms of transportation like biking and walking.
TAP was authorized in 2012 by federal transportation legislation—"Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)"—and is now continued under the current federal transportation legislation "Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST)."
TAP-Eligible Projects
TAP provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives, including:
- on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities;
- infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility;
- community improvement activities and environmental mitigation
- recreational trail program projects; and
- projects for planning, designing, or constructing boulevards and other roadways largely in the right-of-way of former interstate system routes, or other divided highways.
Eligible Applicants
- Local governments
- Regional transportation authorities
- Transit agencies
- Natural resource or public land agencies
- School districts, local education agencies, or schools
- Tribal governments
- Any other local or regional governmental entity with responsibility for oversight of transportation or recreational trails (other than a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or state DOT) that the state determines to be eligible