Permanent paving requires temporary closure of CR 45 at US 34 starting Tuesday

June 8, 2015 - Northeastern Colorado/CDOT Region 4 - GREELEY – Beginning on Tuesday, June 9, Weld County Road (CR) 45 will be closed at US 34 for concrete paving. Crews anticipate reopening CR 45 south of US 34 on Monday, June 15.

A signed detour will be provided along CR 54 and CR 47. After CR 45 reopens, work will begin near CR 45½. Crews anticipate a nine-day closure of CR 45½ south of US 34 in order to complete paving operations.

Both temporary road closures are necessary to complete permanent flood repairs on US 34 east of Greeley between mileposts 114 and 116. Crews have begun placing permanent concrete pavement along eastbound US 34 near the “big hole." More information regarding the project status, including updated closure information and a detour map, is available on the project website at

Damage Overview - US 34 (bypass) Southeast of Greeley, Colorado, sustained substantial damage between mileposts 114 and 116. Flood waters upstream of the highway exceeded the banks of the main channel of the South Platte River and were directed northeast toward the damaged section where they overtopped the highway. As a result of the water flooding over the roadway, an entire section of the roadway washed out east of the highway’s intersection with US 34 (Business) and portions of the westbound lanes were undermined east and west of the intersection. Additionally, sediment and debris were deposited throughout this area.  The highway was closed for a period of 17 days before emergency repairs could be made to re-establish transportation routes.

Project Overview - This $22 million project will construct a new bridge where US 34 washed out. The project also includes installing a box culvert under the roadway and upgrading design elements to current CDOT standards. The horizontal alignment (i.e., curvature) of US 34 will be flattened to meet the requirements of a higher design speed.

Stay Informed:
The best way to stay up to date on project progress and impacts is to sign up for email alerts. Go to CDOT’s website at and click on the green cell phone icon in the center of the page. Enter your information and choose “US 34 Flood Repairs” under the “Colorado Flooding” list.

Visit the project website at for more information.

If you have questions or concerns, call project information line or send an email to the project email address below.

Project Information Line: 970-815-0901
Email: [email protected]