Highway Improvements on Track - US 160 Bayfield East to Yellow Jacket Pass
CDOT contractor Old Castle SW, Inc., began work on March 23 and expects to complete the project by mid-August. Work involves pavement deep patch repair followed by asphalt resurfacing (a one-inch mat to level the surface and an additional two inches of new asphalt). The work also includes installation of new guardrail. Old Castle was awarded $5.2 million for the project.
UPDATED TRAVEL IMPACTS: Currently, crews are milling the pavement in Bayfield, causing a temporarily rough surface for motorists. This section will be fully resurfaced with two layers of asphalt by the end of next week. Eastbound traffic will be reduced to one lane with a pilot car on Monday and Tuesday, with westbound reduced on Wednesday and Thursday. When work is underway, impacted travelers (either eastbound or westbound) will experience up to 15-minute delays. Alternate routes are advised. Paving also continues east of Bayfield with single-lane, alternating traffic. Crews are also removing and replacing guardrail.
Through the project’s completion in mid-August, work will be done Monday through Friday, with hours changing as summer progresses—from 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes before sunset.
PROJECT INFORMATION: For additional information or questions about the project, the public may contact the project line at (970) 247-2172. Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at https://www.codot.gov/travel/ icon at the bottom of the page. The link takes you to a list of items/areas you can subscribe to.