HPTE Town Hall Meeting Nov. 5 will discuss the priorities and process for finding a partner for proposed I-70 East project
DENVER -- The High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) will host a public town hall meeting Wednesday, Nov. 5 to discuss the process involved in finding potential private investment and a partner for the proposed improvements to I-70 East. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the HPTE today released an overview of a “Request for Qualifications” to help explain the process of selecting a partner for the proposed I-70 East project.
“The purpose of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to invite private sector bidders to submit qualifications and for CDOT to share its priorities and goals for I-70 East. The RFQ also is the first formal step in pursuing a possible partnership with the private sector.
“The section of I-70 East between I-25 and Tower Road is one of the most heavily traveled and congested highway corridors in the Denver region and the State. After more than ten years of study and community outreach focused on determining the future of this corridor, CDOT recently began the concurrent processes to seek public input on how the project will be built and financed,” the RFQ Overview document says.
Learn more about the HPTE, provide your input on finding a partner for the proposed I-70 East project and review the RFQ Overview document by visiting these websites:
HPTE: www.coloradohpte.com
On-line Survey on “Finding a Partner” process: www.cdotexpresslanes.info
RFQ Overview for proposed I-70 East project: http://ww.coloradodot.info/programs/high-performance-transportation-enterprise-hpte/projects/i-70/i-70-east-1/transparency-events-outreach/events-1/events
About the Wednesday, Nov. 5 Town Hall:
Representatives from the HPTE, CDOT and the I-70 East team will be available to discuss how the HPTE is exploring private investment to finance and accelerate improvements to I-70 East; the process of finding the right private partner for I-70 East; and to highlight elements of a possible RFQ. Meeting attendees will be able to ask questions and provide input at the meeting.
Who: Representatives from HPTE, CDOT, and the I-70 East EIS project team
When: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 5
Where: Swansea Recreation Center, 2650 E. 49th Ave., Denver.
Note: Spanish translation and childcare will be available. For special assistance, please call (720) 475-7039 prior to the meeting.
The HPTE operates as a government-owned, independent business within CDOT. It searches out innovative ways to finance projects to help Colorado fulfill its commitment to increase travel choices through options that include Express Lanes, transit, biking, walking and carpooling. In July 2014, CDOT directed the HPTE to begin the process to explore various finance and delivery options for I-70 East improvements.