Phase II of CDOT’s US287 resurfacing underway; traffic impacts start in December

September 16, 2014 - Northeastern Colorado/CDOT Region 4 - LOVELAND – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Coulson Excavating began working on the next phase of the US 287 Resurfacing project on Wednesday, Sept. 10.

Phase Two of the project began at 29th Street in Loveland and will progress north to State Highway 392 in Fort Collins. The stretch of highway is approximately four miles.

While work on Phase II has commenced, there will be no major traffic impacts caused by this project until December.

The purpose of the project is to improve the highway with new, longer-lasting asphalt overlay as well as update pedestrian ramps located along US 287. Work consists of milling and resurfacing the driving surface, signing and striping. Additionally, the intersection of US 287 and SH 392 will undergo major construction activities. The turning lanes are being widened, the drainage system surrounding the highway will be improved and several concrete pedestrian ramps will be installed. When completed, the project will create a safer trip through the corridor for motorists. It will also reduce the severity of flooding along the highway and the wider turning lanes are designed to better accommodate large trucks that utilize the highway system.

Coulson Excavating of Loveland was awarded the $6.3 million contract by CDOT.

“We are pleased with the coordination efforts between the City of Loveland and the Fort Collins-Loveland Water District to respond to the needs of the growing Northern Colorado community,” says CDOT engineer Allen Wood.

In the late fall months, the intersection of US 287 and SH 392 will have water line relocation work performed by the Fort Collins-Loveland Water District. In early 2015, lane closures and possible detours at the intersection of US 287 and SH 392 are expected. Speed limits will be reduced to 40 mph through the construction zone, and there is a width restriction for vehicles wider than 12 feet. Traffic fines may be doubled through the construction zone. Normal working hours will be Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For additional questions or comments about the US 287 Resurfacing Phase 2 construction project, please call 970-545-4048 or email [email protected].

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