Enforcement on I-25 South Direct Lanes Pilot Program to Begin
The Lone Tree Police Department will begin enforcement tomorrow to ensure that drivers do not cross the double white lines that restrict motorists from weaving in and out of the direct lane. White and black signs and variable message boards will continue to reiterate that motorists may not cross the double white lines to enter or exit the direct lane.
This program aims to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion along the busy I-25 Corridor during peak travel times and the lane is not intended for use by those switching in and out of travel lanes. As part of the program assessment, CDOT launched a public opinion survey.
The survey has received 64 responses thus far, with 43 respondents reporting that they only used the designated direct lane. Of those who used the left direct lane, 67% said they did not change lanes within the project area and 31% said their travel time was faster. More than half of these respondents also noted that five or more drivers changed lanes across the double white stripes that designate the direct lane.
One respondent specifically noted “One of the biggest challenges to this lane being effective are people crossing the double white line and ignoring the many signs.”
The assessment period for the direct lane will continue for several weeks. CDOT will be monitoring traffic flow, traffic patterns and whether or not this program saves time and increases traffic flow for motorists traveling through this area. CDOT encourages those using this corridor to visit http://www.coloradodot.info/projects/i25sbpilotprogram to learn more about this pilot program and provide feedback on the direct lanes concept and how the lanes are working.
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