Join CDOT and HPTE June 25 for a live telephone town hall meeting on the proposed I-70 Project through East Denver
DENVER - The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) will host a live telephone town hall meeting, a public forum that uses innovative telephone technology, on Wednesday, June 25, at 7 p.m.
Representatives from HPTE, CDOT, the I-70 East team, and the City and County of Denver will be be on the call. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and learn about:
Innovations in transportation choice, funding and project delivery
How CDOT and HPTE plan to expand public engagement
The future of public private partnerships (P3)
I-70 East, a proposed transportation alternative with potential to use a P3 model
Residents near I-70 (between I-25 and Tower Road) may receive a telephone call through an automated system. Telephone numbers are selected at random. They will be invited to listen in on this important public telephone forum, ask questions and participate in an electronic poll.
If residents are not called but would still like to participate, they can call toll free 1-877-229-8493, Pin # 111457.
The HPTE operates as a government-owned, independent business within CDOT. It searches out innovative ways to finance projects to help Colorado fulfill its commitment to increase travel choices through options that include Express lanes, transit, biking, walking and carpooling.