Sheridan bridge demolition rescheduled due to snow
During the demolition, eastbound and westbound US 36 will be closed each night for approximately a quarter of a mile on each side of the Sheridan Boulevard bridge. Traffic will use the US 36 on- and off-ramps at Sheridan Boulevard as the detour, and bus routes will not be affected.
After the existing bridge is demolished crews will begin building the remaining portion of the Sheridan Boulevard bridge. The final Sheridan Boulevard bridge will have an additional northbound lane and double left turn lanes in each direction. It will be open in its final configuration in fall 2014.
The US 36 Express Lanes Project is a multi-modal project that will build an express lane in each direction on US 36. The lanes will accommodate High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV), Bus Rapid Transit and tolled Single Occupancy Vehicles. In addition, the project will replace several bridges, build a commuter bikeway, add Bus Rapid Transit improvements, and install Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for tolling, transit and traveler information, and incident management. Phase 1 is currently under construction from Federal Boulevard to 88th Street in Louisville/Superior and will open to the public in 2015. Phase 2 from 88th Street to Table Mesa Drive in Broomfield recently began construction and will open in 2016.
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