I-70 Eastbound from Tower Road to Colfax Lane Reduction
Statewide – AURORA – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will begin reconstructing the 2 ½ mile segment of Interstate 70 between Tower Road and Colfax Avenue (U.S. 40/287) on Monday, January 27. Work for this project will consist of removing the existing asphalt and replacing it with concrete pavement, shoulder widening, and new bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad and Smith Road. The project also includes new drainage ponds, guardrails, curbs and gutters, signing and striping.
Beginning at 8 p.m. on January 27, the left hand lane of I-70 eastbound from Tower Road to Colfax Road will be closed for approximately six months. This work is necessary to demolish and reconstruct the westbound bridge. During this time, the westbound traffic will be crossed over to the eastbound lanes. Also during this time, one lane of westbound traffic will be closed for the duration of this phase of the project. Speed limits in the area have been reduced from 70 miles per hour to 55 miles per hour, this is an active construction area on a busy stretch of roadway please go Slow In The Cones.
The bridge demolition and reconstruction that is part of this project will replace a bridge that is at capacity. The new bridge will include wider shoulder lanes that will improve safety for all motorists. Once the westbound portion of the bridge is demolished and replaced the closure will be moved to the westbound lanes and the road will again be reduced from four lanes to two for the remainder of construction.
During this phase of construction, the on ramp from northbound Tower Road to eastbound I-70 will not have a dedicated acceleration lane. Please use caution in this area and be aware of surrounding traffic. Motorists traveling in this area are encouraged to allow for extra time to get to their destinations and to use caution. Phasing of this project will allow traffic flow to continue in the area without utilizing full long term road closures as originally designed. By removing and replacing the bridge in two segments traffic flow can continue on this stretch of road with lane reductions.
To receive real-time updates about road conditions in your area, visit www.coloradodot.info and click on the green cell phone icon in the upper right hand corner of the page. Information about weekly lane closures will be available at www.coloradodot.info/travel/scheduled-lane-closures.html. Updated road conditions are available at www.cotrip.org or by calling 511 from anywhere in the state. Download our CDOT mobile app for more information, road conditions and project updates. Up to date information is also available via Twitter @coloradodot and be sure to “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/coloradodot.