CDOT Restricting Turns at US 34 Bypass and 18th Street in Greeley
COUNTY/STATEWIDE — Beginning Wednesday, December 11, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be temporarily restricting access at the intersection of the US 34 Bypass and 18th Street (US 34D) near Greeley. The temporary restrictions will allow CDOT to make intersection improvements that will eventually lead to restored full access/movements in the coming weeks.
The following restrictions are now in place:
- No left turns from eastbound US 34 to 18th Street
- No left turns from 18th Street to eastbound US 34
- No right turns from westbound US 34 to 18th Street
This intersection was re-opened following the September flooding onNovember 4, and despite proper signage and barricades, many vehicles are attempting to make restricted turn movements, which is causing safety hazards in the area. Although the intersection is an important access point for the city of Greeley and for Weld County, at the request of the Colorado State Patrol the access will be restricted until long-term repairs can be made. The restrictions are expected to help increase safety at the intersection until permanent repairs can be made.
CDOT has a design team and a contractor performing preliminary work to repair and improve the westbound US 34 lanes, which will allow crews to restore the eastbound left turn lane. All work will be weather dependent, and is expected to last several weeks. CDOT will continue restricting access until after the holidays. Variable message signs will be placed in advance of the intersection at 18th Street/1st Street and in both directions of US 34 Bypass to warn motorists of the restrictions.
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