I-70 Reconstruction Underway Next Week
Work consists of removing the existing asphalt and replacing it with concrete pavement, shoulder widening, and new bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad and Smith Road. The project also includes new drainage ponds, guardrails, curbs and gutters, signing and striping.
Project hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. However, traffic will be reduced to a single lane in each direction 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the duration of the project – through summer 2015. The work zone speed limit will be reduced to 55 mph.
“Reconstructing the highway will provide the traveling public with a much smoother highway that can help reduce vehicle maintenance costs,” says CDOT Project Engineer Larry Quirk. “In addition, the wider shoulders along this segment will enhance safety, providing a wider area for vehicles to safely pull-off the roadway. The project is also building roadway and bridge features that’ll allow I-70 to be widened in the future to three lanes in each direction.”
Ames Construction Co. of Aurora, Colo. is the contractor for $25 million project.
Additional information is available by calling the project hotline at (720) 583-5944 or email [email protected]
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