Final Traffic Switch at I-70B Project to Begin Next Week

September 5, 2013 - Northwestern Colorado/CDOT Region 3 - Traffic to be moved back to original configuration next Wednesday morning.

GRAND JUNCTION – Reconstruction on I-70B will move to the median area between the through lanes next Wednesday, September 11. This concrete reconstruction and safety-improvement project, contracted to Lawson Construction, remains on target for completion in December of 2013.

Work on the project has progressed to the point where the westbound through lanes on I-70B have been paved and are ready for traffic. On Wednesday, traffic will be reconfigured so that eastbound and westbound traffic is separated around the work area in the median of the highway.  Two lanes of traffic will be maintained in both directions, although short lane closures may be required to facilitate work in the median area.  The Independent/Rimrock intersection will be open to all turning movements, but left turns into the north and south frontage roads will be closed until the project is completed.

The new configuration will stay in place for the remainder of the project, and essentially replicates the traffic patterns in place before the project began. Once the traffic is switched, work on the median islands, left turn lanes, lighting and landscaping will take place in the median. Final work on the landscaping and lighting will also take place around the frontage roads on the north and south sides of the project area.

Remaining work items between now and December will include the median work (concrete, curbs and street lighting; signal replacement at Rimrock Drive (currently a temporary wire span signal is in place); and final signing, striping and landscaping.

CDOT and the contractor Lawson Construction greatly appreciate drivers’ patience and cooperation while going through the work zone. Thank you for goingSlow for the Cone Zone.  Those with questions or concerns about the project, or who want to receive updates on the project phasing, may call or text Tom Newland, Public Information Manager for the project, at (970) 618-9805, or write to [email protected].

Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at or by calling 511.  The website for the project is To receive project updates via e-mail, contact Tom Newland or visit and click on the cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner.  The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to, including Northwest Colorado.