Road Resurfacing Scheduled for Southeastern Colorado

May 13, 2013 - Southeastern Colorado/CDOT Region 2 - PUEBLO – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will chip seal four highway segments in southeastern Colorado over the next several days.

Flaggers and a pilot car will alternate traffic through each work zone, with a reduced 40 mph speed limit:

  • Tuesday, May 14, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.: State Highway 96 – between Boone and State Highway 167, north of Fowler (mile 84-90).  Delays to 20 minutes.
  • Wednesday, May 15, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Interstate 25 Business (U.S. 85/87) – between the north end of Walsenburg and the State Highway 69 junction (mile 2.4-3.6).  Delays to 15 minutes.
  • Monday, May 20, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.: State Highway 10 – beginning 18 miles east of Walsenburg and continuing to the Huerfano/Las Animas county line (mile 18-20).  Delays to 15 minutes.
  • Tuesday, May 21, & Wednesday, May 22, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.: State Highway 12 – between Valdez & Jansen (mile 61-64).  Delays to 15 minutes.

When each resurfacing is complete, sweepers will be cleaning the highway in the evening and, if necessary, the following day, clearing the remaining small, loose rocks prevalent in chip seal resurfacing areas.

Chip sealing applies liquid asphalt and rock material (or aggregates) to a roadway, followed by sweeping and a protective coating.  It is a preventive maintenance operation, designed to extend a highway’s effective surface life five to 10 years, depending upon traffic volumes and climate.

Motorists are reminded to please Slow for the Cone Zone, stay alert and pay attention to and obey all work zone/advisory signs and flaggers.

Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at or by calling 511.  To receive project updates via e-mail, visit and click on the cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner.  The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to, including Southeast Colorado.