I-70 Resurfacing Project Underway between Utah State Line and Mack
The work was contracted to Old Castle for $1.3M.
A chip seal resurfacing is the application of liquid asphalt and rock material (or aggregates) to a roadway, followed by sweeping and protective coating. A chip seal is a preventative maintenance measure designed to extend the life of a highway that is in good/fair condition for five to 10 years, depending upon traffic volumes and climate.
TRAVEL IMPACTS Through the project’s expected completion in early June, motorists on I-70 may encounter single lane closures in either/both directions,Monday through Friday and some Saturdays, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please note: the lane closures are likely to remain in place each night, to allow the new surface to set. The speed limit is reduced to 45 mph during the daytime and to 55 p.m. at night, when overnight lane closures are in place.
Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at www.dot.state.co.us/TravelInfo/currentcond/ or by calling 511. To receive project updates via e-mail, visit www.coloradodot.info and click on the cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner. The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to.
Thank you for going Slow for the Cone Zone!
TRANSPORTATION MATTERS - By paying a little more now for maintenance, we will avoid higher costs later.