CDOT Seeking Input from Private Technology Providers for I-70 Mountain Corridor High-Speed Transit

September 19, 2012 - Central Eastern Colorado/CDOT Region 1 - DENVER – As part of its Interstate 70 Mountain Corridor Advanced Guideway System (AGS) Feasibility Study, the Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT’s) Division of Transit and Rail is issuing a Request for Statements of Technology Information.

This is a key step in CDOT’s efforts to partner with the private sector to determine the role high-speed transit could play in solving the challenges of the I-70 mountain corridor.

Technology providers are requested to provide detailed performance, operational and cost information. Submittals then will be analyzed using criteria determined in collaboration with corridor stakeholders. Technologies not yet in revenue service also will be further analyzed to determine if they can be proven to successfully operate by 2017.

“By partnering with the private sector in this way, we will be able to consider the widest possible range of potential transit technologies for the I-70 Mountain Corridor,” said CDOT’s Division of Transit and Rail Director, Mark Imhoff.

Qualified technologies will be organized by performance capabilities into three alignment groups: capable of operating entirely in the I-70 right-of-way; those needing to operate entirely outside the I-70 right-of-way; and those requiring an alignment both in and out of the I-70 right-of-way.  A representative alignment alternative for each group will be developed for feasibility analysis.

CDOT will follow this technology analysis with a similar financial analysis early next year.  That effort will seek private-sector help to develop potential funding strategies and assess the likelihood of raising the necessary capital for an AGS. A determination of feasibility is expected in fall 2013.

Statements of Technology Information are due to CDOT by 4 p.m. on October 10, 2012. The request can be viewed at

About the AGS Feasibility Study
CDOT’s Division of Transit and Rail is conducting the Advanced Guideway System (AGS) Feasibility Study to determine the feasibility of a high-speed transit system in the I-70 Mountain Corridor. The $1.8 million study began in April 2012 and is expected to be completed in fall 2013. TYPSA|AZTEC and Jacobs Engineering are the lead consultants for the study which is evaluating technology, alignment and funding/financing options for a potential AGS in the 120-mile corridor from C-470 in Jefferson County to Eagle County Regional Airport. This study is a critical next step identified in the Record of Decision for the I-70 Mountain Corridor Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.