24/9 Closure Set for Highway 287
Beginning on Monday, December 12, the northbound lane will remain closed for approximately one mile, 24 hours a day, through Tuesday evening, December 20. Drivers can expect traffic stops up to 20 minutes as flaggers alternate traffic through the work zone. A 40 mph speed limit will be in effect and vehicles wider than 12 feet will not be allowed to travel through the area.
Upon completion of this phase, the project will shut down for the winter. Work is scheduled to resume in April 2012.
Replacing and repairing the concrete panels will add at least five years to the service life of the pavement.
Motorists are reminded to please Slow for the Cone Zone, stay alert and pay attention to and obey all work zone/advisory signs and flaggers.
Traffic information about this or other CDOT projects is on the cotrip.org website or by calling 511. To receive e-mail updates regarding this project, please visit www.coloradodot.info and click on the cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner. The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to, including Southeast Colorado.