Resurfacing Project to Impact Traffic in Holly Area
On Tuesday, September 7, and Wednesday, September 8, flaggers and a pilot car will alternate eastbound and westbound traffic on Highway 50, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Work begins in Holly and proceeds west approximately two miles. Delays up to 20 minutes should be expected.
Upon completion of the work, sweepers will be operating on the highways each evening, cleaning any of the remaining small, loose rocks prevalent in chip seal resurfacing areas.
Chip sealing is a preventative maintenance operation, extending a highway’s effective surface life three to five years.
Motorists are reminded to please Slow for the Cone Zone, stay alert and pay attention to and obey all work zone/advisory signs and flaggers.
Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at or by calling 511. To receive project updates via e-mail, visit and click on the cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner. The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to, including Southeast Colorado.