CDOT to Resurface US 24 North of Buena Vista

May 26, 2011 - Southwestern Colorado/CDOT Region 5 - Work suspended June 13 for Ride the Rockies - CHAFFEE COUNTY – The Colorado Department of Transportation will begin a project on June 6 to resurface a section of US 24 from north of Buena Vista (MP 209.8) northwest to MP 202.3. This project consists of resurfacing the highway with an asphalt overlay, shoulder work, guardrail repairs and striping.

The work was contracted to Elam Construction of Grand Junction for $2.3 million and will be completed in mid-August.

TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Work will be done Monday through Thursday, from 7 AM to 7 PM, and on some Fridays. Motorists will encounter single-lane, alternating traffic during work hours, and travel delays may exceed 10 minutes depending upon traffic volumes. Crews will make every effort to expedite the project on this popular tourist route—summertime, however, offers the temperatures necessary to complete an asphalt paving project. Work will be suspended on Monday, June 13, while Ride the Rockies bike race is underway on this stretch (work will likely be done on Friday of that week.)

For project comments or questions, the public may call the project hotline at:  (719) 480-1440.

Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at or by calling 511. To receive project updates via wireless device or e-mail, visit and click on the green cell-phone icon in the upper right-hand corner. The link takes you to a list of items you can subscribe to, including Southwest Colorado.