Faster Funding Directed to Repairs on Critical Culvert in Grand Junction

February 16, 2011 - Northwestern Colorado/CDOT Region 3 - Work to repair culvert under US 50 south of town underway.

MESA COUNTY – The Colorado Department of Transportation continues its efforts to repair or replace critical culverts across the state. A culvert repair project in Grand Junction moves forward with *FASTER funding. Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation & Economic Recovery, or SB 09-128, took effect on July 1, 2009, and is comprised of car rental fees and weight-based vehicle registration fees.

The project, which began Monday and is scheduled for completion by May 1, involves repairs on a 60-inch steel corrugated culvert under US 50 at Unaweep Avenue, just south of the city (at Duck Pond Park). The work consists of installing a specially fitted fiberglass liner inside the steel culvert, utility locates (that will involve roadway pot-holing), under-highway boring and construction of a new inlet structure and other drainage improvements.

TRAFFIC IMPACTS – Initially, motorists may experience a single-lane closure as crews locate utilities under the roadway surface. Through the remainder of the project, very minimal traffic impacts are expected.

This project has received approximately $450,000 in FASTER funding and was contracted to Heyl Civil Construction of New Castle. Other projects in the area set to be fully or partially funded by FASTER include:  I-70 B reconstruction (currently underway); I-70 Clifton interchange improvements (complete); and US 6 intersection at SH 139 (to begin in 2012).

*Monies collected under the FASTER Safety Fund are to be used for construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects that the Transportation Commission, a county or municipality determine are needed to enhance the safety of a state highway, county road, or city street.

For information about other CDOT projects, the public may log on to CDOT’s traveler information web site at or call 511 from anywhere in the state.