ALG File

An ALG is a file containing horizontal and vertical alignments, coordinate geometry information and superelevation for a specific Geometry Project.


The alignment is a chain of tangents, curves, and transition spirals that describes a centerline.


Text that is place in a MicroStation file. This text is a distinct type of element.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange.


Property, such as color or style, of an element or entity.


The backbone is a portion of the corridor that lies between the template hinge points. The backbone is typically the roadway template excluding the side slopes.


A breakline is a surface feature consisting of a collection of spatial coordinates that have an implied linear relationship. No triangle side (in the triangulated surface) can cross over a breakline.


A complex element composed of a group of primitive or other complex elements that is stored in a cell library for repeated placement.

Cell Library

A file used to store cells. To access cells in a cell library, the library must be attached to the active DGN file.

Color Table

The color table is used to assign a certain color to a number in MicroStation

Decision Table

A decision table consist of a list of records, each defining a line segment by slope and width, used to model terrain. The decision table is a logical set of conditions allowing the design to be based upon a series of if, then, else conditions. Decision tables may target surfaces, alignments, elevations or features.

Design Model

MicroStation DGN files contain models which are used to store design elements such as lines that are unique to that model. A single DGN file could have many models but only one model can be active at any time. There are two types of models, Design models and Sheet models. Design models are used to store the actual design elements. Sheet models are a form of design model with their own set of preferences. These preference can be set to be used as representations of paper drawings. This thinking is new to MicroStation V8 and it should be noted that sheet files can still be created in model space.


A design file in MicroStation


A label in a MicroStation file owning a linear,  angular, or radial distance or angle measurement.


Digital Terrain Model


A feature is a single instance of a 3D geometric representation in the DTM. A feature can be one of five types: random, breakline, exterior boundary, interior boundary, or contour.


Level filters limit the number of levels that appear in a level listing. They are used to turn groups of levels on or off.


The hinge is one of two points on a template that define the backbone of a template.


Named slots for information in a MicroStation file. Their display can be toggled on or off.


Small programs that the user can implement to perform task in MicroStation.

Model File

Model files generally contain coordinate-correct geometry depicting elements pertaining to the project. Model files can be referenced to model files in order to share information or they can be referenced to sheet files for the purpose of plotting.

Pen Table

A pen table controls aspects of a file during printing. One example would be the thickness of a line that is printed.


Plan and Profile


A profile is a graph showing elevation extracted from a surface or surfaces along a defined alignment.

Reference File

A model file attached to an active model file. Elements in a reference file cannot be manipulated.

Sheet File

Sheet files generally contain either references to model files or non-design related items such as general notes, special symbols, quantities, sheet borders, etc. Sheet files are needed for printing final plans.

Sheet Model

MicroStation DGN files contain models which are used to store design elements such as lines that are unique to that model. A single DGN file could have many models but only one model can be active at any time. There are two types of models, Design models and Sheet models. Design models are used to store the actual design elements. Sheet models are a form of design model with their own set of preferences.  This thinking is new to MicroStation V8 and it should be noted that sheet files can still be created in model space.


Refers to level, color, line style and weight of a drawing object.


A template is a cross section of the design surface. Templates are saved in the typical section library which stores definitions for templates, cut and file tables, material tables, decision tables and transitional control features.

Text Style

Text Styles are used to apply standard text attribures to newly created text.

Working Units

Real world units to which the design plane is configured to.


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