Project Configuration Project Folder

Project Specific Configuration (\Project_Configuration)

This folder contains copies of the CDOT Workspace InRoads Preference files only when a project is archived and will be brought back at a later date.  Software changes and Configuration upgrades affect InRoads preference files.  It is important to have copies of the preference files used when the project was created. The files will be useful for reviewing how InRoads Features, Styles and Survey Data displayed for the duration of a specific configuration release. However, software and configuration upgrades may not work seamlessly with these preference files because levels and features are renamed and linestyles are redefined.  


The following files should be saved in this folder:


C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT\Standards-Global\InRoads\Preferences\CDOT-Preferences.ini

C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT\Standards-Global\InRoads\Preferences\CDOT-Styles.ini

C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT\Standards-Global\InRoads\Preferences\CDOT-Survey_Features.fwf

C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT\Standards-Global\InRoads\Preferences\CDOT-Survey_Preferences.fxp

C:\Program Files\Workspace-CDOT\Standards-Global\InRoads\Notes\CDOT-Notes.dft.  


All other InRoads data files should be stored in the appropriate Project InRoads folders.