Real Estate

CDOT Wolcott Maintenance Building on a clear, sunny day


Statutorily delegated to maintain an inventory and manage all CDOT owned real property assets for leasing or disposal.


Authority for the Real Estate program to perform the following duties is documented in Chapter 7 of the ROW manual

Negotiate purchase price and execute contracts to buy maintenance sites, office, employee housing, or other property needed for non-highway use
Negotiate sale price and execute contracts for the sale of right-of-way, excess, remnant, general ledger, and project property as well as devolutions and abandonments.
Execute contracts, negotiate rates, and manage post execution leases for all CDOT owned real property. Types of leases include land, building, mineral rights, cell tower, and employee housing. Execute agreements involving real estate or crossing of the access control line onto the State Highway system.
Maintain a comprehensive GIS database containing all records associated with any property CDOT has ever owned.
CDOT has an inventory of employee housing rental opportunities. See the Employee Housing Availability page for more info.

Property Interest

Oil & Gas and Telecommunications leasing is handled as a function of the Property Management Program. CDOT will consider all lease requests, but the potential lease cannot interfere with CDOT’s use for road purposes or for reasons of safety, welfare, and convenience of the public. Interested in leasing property from CDOT, please fill out this form. A form needs to be filled out for each location you are interested in. A representative from the Property Management group will reply within 72 hours of the submitted form.

Property Interest Form