Risk-Based Cost Estimation (RBCE) Information
CDOT’s goal is to improve its risk-based cost estimation methodology to optimize program delivery. This page includes information on best practices, challenges, and lessons learned from other state programs, and will continually be updated as CDOT explores developing its own program.
RBCE Peer Exchange | May 11-12, 2016
From May 11-12, 2016, a peer exchange was held to learn about best practices, challenges and lessons from other state programs, including FDOT, GDOT, MnDOT, NDOT, ODOT and WSDOT.
Representatives from across CDOT participated to provide education and begin to build buy-in across the state. For access to meeting materials and resources, please contact [email protected].
Meeting Materials and Resources
- Agenda
- Meeting summary
- State program contacts
- Colorado (CDOT) information:
- Presentation
- Florida (FDOT) information:
- Presentation
- Georgia (GDOT) information:
- Presentation
- Minnesota (MnDOT) information:
- Presentation
- Nevada (NDOT) information:
- Presentation
- Oregon (ODOT) information:
- Presentation
- ODOT Risk Management Framework
- ODOT Risk Management Worksheet
- ODOT Project Risk Register
- Washington (WSDOT) information
- Presentation