A chart of approved products and their attributes.
Safety Selection Guide
Crash Cushions, End Treatments and Barrier Guide. The following guidance is provided by the Project Development Branch to aid designers in the proper selection of safety hardware. Unless specified for use by CDOT’s M&S Standard Plans or formally adopted for use by the Department, device selection and use is at the Engineer’s discretion. The Engineer should provide for competitive bidding between functionally equivalent devices when design conditions allow.
Crash Cushions and End Treatments are devices designed to reduce the severity of an impact by an errant vehicle. They may be located in medians, gore areas, or along the roadside. Here are some terms that explain them more.
For additional information on crash cushions, end treatments, and barriers, refer to the AASHTO “Roadside Design Guide”, or the CDOT M&S Standards, or the CDOT Roadway Design Manual.
Useful links to the product's websites for further research.