Crash Cushions, End Treatments and Barrier Guide. The following guidance is provided by the Project Development Branch to aid designers in the proper selection of safety hardware. Unless specified for use by CDOT’s M&S Standard Plans or formally adopted for use by the Department, device selection and use is at the Engineer’s discretion. The Engineer should provide for competitive bidding between functionally equivalent devices when design conditions allow.
Other Design Documents
A CDOT Guide to Better Project Management Practices
Includes SWMP Templates for greater or lesser than 1 acre impact.
Rumble Strips are an effective countermeasure for preventing roadway departure crashes. The noise and vibration produced by rumble strips alert drivers when they leave the traveled way. Rumble stripes is the term used for rumble strips painted with a retroreflective coating to increase the visibility of the pavement edge at night and during inclement weather conditions.
Bridge Field Log of Structures, Structural Worksheets, Technical Memorandums
Construction Contractor - Evaluation Form