Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)
- EPD Specification - Revision of Sections 101 and 106 –Environmental Product Declarations.
- 2024 EPD Protocol Document - Appendix O of the 2024 Field Materials Manual.
- To be used for projects advertised after July 1, 2023
- 2023 EPD Protocol Document - Appendix O of the 2023 Field Materials Manual.
- To be used on projects advertised between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
- EPD Lookup Tool Version 8/1/2023 - This Tool can be used by project personnel to determine the materials eligible for EPD submissions based on bid item number and quantity. It also reports the bid item quantity in the EPD Declared Unit, which is a required value in the EPD submission form.
EPD Submission Form
- EPD Submission Form
- EPD Submission Form Introduction video
- This training video pertains to the 2023 Appendix O and Google Form submission. Updated training videos for EPD submission with the new form through OnBase will be posted soon.
- EPD Submission Form Introduction video
Submission Form Training
Asphalt Mixtures
- Concrete Mixtures
- Steel
- Cement
- House Bill 21-1303 text
- Form for website feedback / additional resource requests
- Form for CDOT EPD distribution list registration
- Product Category Rules (PCR) and Program Operators
- Asphalt Mixtures
- Concrete Mixtures
- Steel
- Cement
- Precast Concrete
- Asphalt Mixtures
- Presentations and Workshops
- CDOT's Internal EPD Workshop held on June 8, 2022
- CDOT's Industry EPD Workshop held on August 16, 2022
- Workshop Slide Presentations and Recordings
- 1 - Opening Remarks by Chris Senseney.pdf
Opening Remarks by Chris Senseney.mp4 - 2 - Keynote Presentation by HB 21-1303 Sponsor Representative by Tracey Bernett.mp4
- 3 - History of Buy Clean Legislation by Chris Senseney.pdf
History of Buy Clean Legislation by Chris Senseney.mp4 - 4 - What are EPDs? by Joep Meijer (SME).pdf
What Are EPDs? by Joep Meijer (SME).mp4 - 5 - CDOT Status Update by Craig Wieden.pdf
CDOT Status Update by Craig Wieden.mp4 - 6 - Contractor and Project Staff Responsibilities by Bill Schiebel and Hailey Goodale.pdf
Project Staff and Contractor Responsibilities by Bill Schiebel and Hailey Goodale.mp4 - 7 - FHWA's Perspective by Brian Dobling.pdf
FHWA's Perspective by Brian Dobling.mp4 - 8 - Concrete Industry Perspective by Brian Killingsworth with NRMCA.pdf
Concrete Industry Perspective by Brian Killingsworth.mp4 - 9 - Reinforcing Steel Industry Perspective by Rob Kinchler with CRSI.pdf
Reinforcing Steel Industry Perspective by Rob Kinchler.mp4 - 10 - Asphalt Industry Perspective by Tom Peterson with CAPA.pdf
Asphalt Industry Perspective by Tom Peterson.mp4 - 11 - Training, Using EPD Calculation Tool by Bill Schiebel and Chris Senseney
EPD Bid Item Tool Training by Bill Schiebel and Chris Senseney.mp4 - 12 - Breakout Group Summaries.mp4
- 13 - Panel Discussion and Closing.mp4
- 1 - Opening Remarks by Chris Senseney.pdf
- Workshop Slide Presentations and Recordings
- CDOT Precast Industry EPD Meeting held on October 27, 2022
- Conference Agendas
- Construction Bulletin 2022-3 -Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)
- White Paper - CDOT Implementation of House Bill (HB) 21‐1303 (Buy Clean Colorado Act) for EPD Collection on Key Construction Materials Used in Publicly Funded Transportation Projects.
- This white paper summarizes the procedures used by CDOT and its advisory team to develop the EPD submission protocol for publicly funded road, highway, and bridge construction projects to comply with the "Buy Clean Colorado Act", effective July 1, 2022. This is to encourage projects to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.