Engineering Contract Services Unit - Announcements

Engineering Contract Services Unit - Announcements. New Announcemet 5/16/2024 - Consultant & CDOT Reservable Meetings: Wednesday, May 20 - Thursday, May 30 26424 US 40 Fraser Capacity.
Virtual meeting with Design and Construction Management Consultant Tuesday, May 21st from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

CDOT's Construction Area Engineers will be hosting a virtual meeting with Design and Construction Management Consultants on Tuesday, May 21st from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM. This is the first time CDOT is offering a Consultant version of the Residency Visit that Area Engineers hold annually in the Regions. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss important updates/changes, exchange information/ideas, and promote consistency and quality control across the State. If you would like to receive an invite for this meeting, please fill out the information via the url link.

CDOT R3 Mountain Residency's 26424 US 40 Fraser Capacity Consultant Meetings

Thank you for your interest in CDOT R3 Mountain Residency's 26424 US 40 Fraser Capacity project. My name is Todd Ipsen and I am the R3 Program East Design Team Manager and will also be the CDOT Project Manager for this project. Many of you have reached out to me to discuss this project and the Project Specific Request for Proposal, and for that I am thankful. Your interest and support are invaluable to the success of CDOT and I wanted to provide all of you with an updated opportunity to book a virtual 1-hour meeting with me to discuss the project before the RFP is announced. Below is a tentative schedule of the RFP and a link to my calendar booking slots to discuss this project. Please feel free to reserve a timeslot if you would like to chat before the RFP is advertised, but know that this is not mandatory, nor will it play into our evaluation scoring during the RFP review. The meetings are strictly for your convenience should you wish.

Pre-Solicitation Notification for Statewide Program Specific FY26-FY29 On-System Bridge Inspections

December 5, 2024 Pre-Solicitation Notification Statewide Program Specific FY26-FY29 On-System Bridge Inspections Description: CDOT intends to issue a solicitation for Statewide Program Specific FY26-FY29 On-System Bridge Inspections and is providing additional direction on the requirements prior to the Request for Proposal being advertised. General Bullet Points: • Selection of 2 consultants • Estimated 2-6 trips per month • Provide as-needed Team Member or Team leader (whichever is needed) to support in-house inspections • Assist training new in-house inspectors • Provide QC comments on CDOT inspection reports • Provide QA comments on CDOT inspection reports It is anticipated that this solicitation will be released January 2025. The solicitation will be posted on BidNet at: and the CDOT website at: Any questions regarding the solicitation process may be directed to: Darrell Wells, (303) 757-9215, [email protected] CDOT assumes no obligation of any kind for expenses incurred by any respondent to this solicitation. The right is also reserved by CDOT to reject any and all submittals.