Region 1 Project Specific Federal Blvd 49th to 91st Avenues Construction Management Services - Scope of Work
Updated (3) - Region 1 Project Specific Federal Blvd 49th to 91st Avenues Construction Management Services
Region 1 Project Specific Federal Blvd 49th to 91st Avenues Construction Management Services. First Advertisement Date: 7/18/2024. Proposal Submission Deadline: 8/8/2024. Submit electronically through the BidNet RFx #R1071824. Update 7/19/2024 - Mistaken reference to approach section was removed. There should be no approach section. Update (2), 7/19/2024 - Outline numbering corrected in RFP document. Update (3), 8/1/2024 - 1. The SOW has been updated to remove Appendix A, modify Section 2.1.B., and correct the header, 2. the RFP Document has been updated to remove Sections (4) and (5) from the Project Staff section, and 3. a Q&A Document has been included.
DBE/ESB Documents
Region 1 Project Specific Federal Blvd 49th to 91st Avenues Construction Management Services - Request for Proposals. Update 7/19/2024 - Mistaken reference to approach section was removed from RFP document. There should be no approach section. Update (2) 7/19/2024 - Outline numbering corrected in RFP document. Update (3), 8/1/2024 - the RFP Document has been updated to remove Sections (4) and (5) from the Project Staff section
Question and Answer Document