Updated - Region 4 Project Specific CO119 Safety & Mobility Improvements & Bikeway Pre-Construction Support, Construction Management, Inspection and Testing Engineering Services

Region 4 Project Specific CO119 Safety & Mobility Improvements & Bikeway Pre-Construction Support, Construction Management, Inspection and Testing Engineering Services. First Date of Publication: 10/12/2023. Proposal Submission Deadline: 11/9/2023. Submit electronically through BidNet RFx#R4101223. Update 10/26/2023 - Updated Firm Capability Section page limit is now 1 page and the Approach Section page limited is now 2 pages. Also, C.1.a.4 from the original RFP has been moved from the Project Team Section to the Firm Capability Section. An updated RFP document has been uploaded with the changes made in red.