Update 3 - Region 1 Project Specific US 85 Daniels Park to Meadows Design Engineering Services
Region 1 Project Specific US 85 Daniels Park to Meadows Design Engineering Services. First Date of Publication: 6/8/2023. Proposal Submission Deadline: 6/29/2023. Submit electronically through BidNet RFx#R1060823. PLEASE NOTE SECTION AND BACK PAGES ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED. Addendum #1 dated 6/13/2023 - Updated Section 5. CDOT’S SELECTION PROCESS, Selection or Short-list Panel Meeting of the RFP document to remove erroneous language referring to a different project. Update 2 dated 6/22/2023 - Link to CDOT Project Page added as well as files containing Plan Set and Cross Sections. Update 3 dated 6/23/2023 - Q&A document and Updated SOW published to clarify roles and responsibilities of CDOT vs. the consultant.
Update 3 - Region 1 Project Specific US 85 Daniels Park to Meadows Design Engineering Services
Region 1 Project Specific US 85 Daniels Park to Meadows Design Engineering Services. First Date of Publication: 6/8/2023. Proposal Submission Deadline: 6/29/2023. Submit electronically through BidNet RFx#R1060823. PLEASE NOTE SECTION AND BACK PAGES ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED. Addendum #1 dated 6/13/2023 - Updated Section 5. CDOT’S SELECTION PROCESS, Selection or Short-list Panel Meeting of the RFP document to remove erroneous language referring to a different project. Update 2 dated 6/22/2023 - Link to CDOT Project Page added as well as files containing Plan Set and Cross Sections. Update 3 dated 6/23/2023 - Q&A document and Updated SOW published to clarify roles and responsibilities of CDOT vs. the consultant.
Link to supplemental documents on the CDOT Project page.
Plan Set and Cross Sections