Updated - Region 1 Colorado Blvd. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) NEPA and Preliminary Design Engineering Services
Region 1 Colorado Blvd. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) NEPA and Preliminary Design Engineering Services. First Advertisement Date: 9/21/2023. Proposal Submission Deadline: 10/12/2023. Submit electronically through the BidNet RFx #R1092123. Addendum 1 dated 10/6/2023 - Two documents have been uploaded as Addendum 1: 1) Q&A Document 2) Updated RFP document. The updated RFP document contains one change to the Firm Capability Section at 6.C.1.b)(4) which previously referred to field personnel. The language has been changed to address management of the project (changes are made in red).
Updated - Region 1 Colorado Blvd. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) NEPA and Preliminary Design Engineering Services
Region 1 Colorado Blvd. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) NEPA and Preliminary Design Engineering Services. First Advertisement Date: 9/21/2023. Proposal Submission Deadline: 10/12/2023. Submit electronically through the BidNet RFx #R1092123. Addendum 1 dated 10/6/2023 - Two documents have been uploaded as Addendum 1: 1) Q&A Document 2) Updated RFP document. The updated RFP document contains one change to the Firm Capability Section at 6.C.1.b)(4) which previously referred to field personnel. The language has been changed to address management of the project (changes are made in red).