ESB Certification Eligibility


Be sure you review the ESB Program Rules for in-depth eligibility criteria; what you see here is a summary.

Business Status

An applicant must be a for-profit business currently in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State.

ESB Orientation

It is highly suggested that the owner, officer, or manager of the firm complete CDOT's online ESB Orientation before submitting the application, although it is no longer required. 


The applicant must be an independent business. It must demonstrate that its viability does not depend upon a relationship with another business or businesses.

Qualifying Principal Area of Business

The applicant’s principal area of business must be to provide professional services, practice of research, or construction work that could be related to CDOT’s transportation contracts, including aeronautics, transit, and highway.

Business Size

In order to qualify for the ESB program, the average annual gross receipts of the firm (including affiliates) cannot exceed that established by the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) size tables (See 13 CFR part 121) for the primary industry of the firm. 

Further, Certification Level will be assigned according to the following size standards:

  • Level 1: $1M ( & $3M (construction)
  • Level 2: 50% SBA (by primary NAICS)
  • SBE: 100% SBA (by primary NAICS)

Debarment and Conviction

The business or any principal of the business shall not have been debarred or convicted of bid-related crimes or violations within the past six years in any state or federal jurisdiction, or be under notice of intent to debar in any jurisdiction.

Truth and Honesty

The business or any principal of the business shall not provide false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements in the ESB application or in any other information, statements, or documents submitted to CDOT.

Cooperation and Complete Disclosure

The business must respond timely to, and fully comply with, all requests for information made by CDOT regarding participation in the ESB program.