Subcontractor, Supplier & Trucking Compliance
Learn the differences between subcontractors and suppliers and how they relate to trucking (Form 205 & Form 1425).
- Where can I get my questions answered?
CDOT's Trucking Compliance Resource Guide for Preliminary Injunction (2025) provides detailed information on subs vs. suppliers and how each relate to trucking
Form 205
Contractors must submit Form 205 (Excel document) for every subcontractor on a job, and a Form 1425 (Excel document) for every supplier.- Form 205s communicate to your Project Engineer and Region Civil Rights Office the list of companies with whom the prime intends to enter into subcontracts to deliver the project. You must submit an updated 205 to your CDOT Engineer every time you bring a new subcontractor on to the project. Please remember that the Prime must perform at least 30% of the work with their own forces.
Form 1425
Form 1425 - Supplier List (Excel document) is required for all suppliers you intend to use on the project for $10,000 or more.
Getting Help
If you have more detailed questions about subcontractor and supplier compliance on your project, please contact your Region Civil Rights Specialist. Otherwise, contact Leeda (Cat) Wood, Subcontractor Compliance Specialist.