DBE Compliance Overview

What is the DBE Program?

Federal regulation requires that construction projects using FHWA funds be evaluated for a DBE subcontracting goal. DBE goals are set by the Region Civil Rights Office and are based on a combination of factors, including opportunities for subcontracting and availability of DBEs that are ready, willing, and able to perform on the contract. Once a DBE goal is set, prime contractors must either make a commitment to use specific DBEs on the project or demonstrate to CDOT that they have made a good faith effort to do so but are unable to make commitments sufficient to meet the goal. A contract's DBE goal may be found in the Project Special Provision DBE Worksheet in the contract documents.

What is Required?

  • During bidding: Prime contractors that are bidding on CDOT jobs must submit a Form 1414 - Anticipated DBE Participation Plan (Excel document) as part of their bid package. Alternatively, the bidder may submit a Form 1416 - Good Faith Effort Report (Excel document) if unable to make DBE commitments sufficient to meet the contract goal.
  • Before award: The low apparent bidder must submit a DBE Utilization Plan (UP) in B2GNow. The UP will form the basis for monitoring compliance with DBE commitments throughout the project.
  • After award: Once the contract is signed, the prime is required to submit one Form 1432 - Commercially Useful Function for each DBE that is counting toward the DBE contract goal on each project. Should the prime contractor need to make a change to the UP once the contract has been executed, they must submit Form 1420 - DBE Participation Plan Modification Request to the Project Engineer and Region Civil Rights Office

Where are the Requirements Specified?

Authority for the USDOT's DBE program is codified in 49 CFR Part 26, but CDOT's approach to implementation and administration of the program can be found in the CDOT DBE Program Manual. 

View the DBE Construction Specification

DBE Commitments & Counting

Training Tools & Process Maps

Getting Help

For help navigating the B2GNow system, please contact:

Cat Wood, Subcontractor Compliance Specialist

For help with DBE compliance on your project, please contact:

Region Civil Rights Offices

For more information about how CDOT administers the federal DBE program, please contact:

Jun Arcilla, DBE Program Manager