
Provide guidelines to the Contractor or Sub-Contractor, so that they can properly present their materials for inclusion in the construction project.

1. Scope

1.1 It is the intent of this chapter to provide guidelines to the Contractor or Sub-Contractor so that they can properly present their materials for inclusion in the construction project.

1.2 The majority of materials submitted for inclusion on CDOT projects will fall within one of four levels of project acceptance for their sampling and testing.

  • Pre-Inspection (PI)
  • Certified Test Report (CTR)
  • Certificate of Compliance (COC)
  • Pre-Approved (per APL)

1.3 The complete document Notice To Contractors duplicates in its entirety the information presented in the Special Notice to Contractors from the most recent CDOT Field Materials Manual (FMM).

1.4 Additional information is located within the web sites listed below to provide both technical assistance and policy clarifications: