Statewide Traffic Records Advisory Committee (STRAC)
Traffic Records Strategic Plan Goals
Our Vision:
The Vision of the STRAC is to provide a traffic records data system, which delivers complete, timely and accurate data, incorporating data from available sources, for use by data consumers in traffic safety planning, process development and decision making to eliminate transportation system fatalities and serious injuries.
Our Mission:
To eliminate transportation system fatalities and serious injuries, the STRAC will advance the interagency and intra-agency acquisition and disbursement of accurate, timely and accessible traffic records to data consumers for use in the traffic safety improvement process.
Our Goals:
- Improve traffic records data for use in decision making to reduce transportation system fatalities and serious injuries.
- Increase participation and collaboration in traffic records initiatives statewide.
- Reduce barriers in electronic data transfer, data quality, linkage, and integration processes.
Committee Overview
The Colorado Statewide Traffic Records Advisory Committee (STRAC) is an advisory group representing the data records interests of motor vehicle traffic and safety agencies and organizations. Within statutory constraints, the Committee recommends policies regarding the retention and dissemination of traffic records information.
STRAC Membership
The STRAC is membership is comprised of state agencies that contribute to and utilizes motor vehicle traffic data and information. The membership is comprised of representatives (voting members) from the:
- Colorado Department of Transportation (David Swenka, CDOT)
- Colorado Department of Revenue (Scott Spinks, CDOR)
- Colorado Department of Public Safety (Major Jeff Sewell, CDPS)
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Ian Danielson, CDPHE)
- Colorado Department of Human Services (Webster Hendricks, CDHS)
- Colorado Office of Information Technology (Amy Bhikha, GOIT)
- Colorado Judicial Branch (Jennifer Frale, Court Services)
For annual reports, meeting minutes, or other information, please see the quick links, or contact Boyan Quinn at [email protected].
2024 STRAC Bi-Monthly Meetings
- March 6, 2025 9:00AM - 12:00PM Virtual
- May 15, 2025 9:00AM - 12:00PM Virtual
- Aug. 21, 2025 9:00AM - 12:00PM In-Person
- Oct. 23, 2025 9:00AM - 12:00PM Virtual
- Dec. 11, 2025 9:00AM - 12:00PM Virtual
Note: To join a virtual meeting click on the link within the date of the event and 'Join with Google Meet'*