Colorado Task Force on Drunk & Impaired Driving


The Colorado Task Force on Drunk and Impaired Driving (CTFDID) was established by the Colorado General Assembly in 2006 in an effort to generate more collaboration and consensus for effective solutions to the impaired driving problem in Colorado.

The mission of the Colorado Task Force on Drunk and Impaired Driving is to support the prevention, awareness, enforcement, and treatment of drunk and impaired driving in Colorado through strong partnerships with public, private and non-profit organizations.

Members of the CTFDID are designated by statute and represent various state agencies, the law enforcement and legal community, safety advocates, private businesses and citizens.

Meetings are open to the public.  

The next meeting with be held on Friday, March 14, 2025 both virtually and in-person from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM MST. The in-person location is TBD.  The meeting link information is below. 

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Meeting ID: 256 198 706 393

Passcode: bs2BM9Kc

Visit  for further information and resources pertaining to impaired driving in Colorado. 

See past meeting summaries and annual reports.