Bridge and Tunnel Enterprise Board
The General Assembly created the Statewide Bridge Enterprise as a government-owned business within the Colorado Department of Transportation, pursuant to 43-4-805 C. R. S. In 2021, the passage of SB21-260 expanded the existing Enterprise to include both designated bridge projects and surface transportation projects for tunnels and renamed the expanded enterprise as the Statewide Bridge and Tunnel Enterprise (BTE).
The purpose of the Bridge and Tunnel Enterprise is to complete designated bridge projects that involve the financing, repair, reconstruction and replacement of bridges designated as structurally deficient, functionally obsolete or rated as poor by the Colorado Department of Transportation, as well as repair, maintain, and more safely operate tunnels in Colorado.
The members of the Enterprise Board are the members of the Colorado Transportation Commission. All meetings of the BTE Board are open to the public. The records of the BTE Board are public records and are open for inspection, as provided by law.
Click here to access the Transportation Commission and BTE Board Agenda.